Visiting a church for the first time can be nerve-racking. But having an idea of what to expect can help. There are three main parts to every Sunday gathering: preaching, worship, and kids. Our guests are important to us and we want to provide you with additional information to help you discover who we are and where we are headed as a community of people trying to Make Jesus Known.



The gospel is at the center of all our preaching. Why is that? Because we believe the gospel is sufficient for all matters of life (2 Timothy 3:15-17). For example, you might want to hear sermons that address:

  • how to have a better marriage
  • how to cope with anger
  • how to manage your finances

While the Bible answers many of these questions, it does so through a grid unapologetically centered around the gospel. In other words, the answers to all our questions invovle the person and work of Jesus.

Therefore, since the entire Bible points to Jesus, we preach as much of it as we can. Often we go through entire books of the Bible, verse by verse, to show you what the whole Bible teaches in its intended context.


Worship is not simply about music or a gathering, though it does include these elements. A more holistic view of worship understands that it is about everything we do (1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:17) and the posture in which we do it (John 4:23). That being said, we do gather corporately every Sunday to worship Jesus and a large part of that does feature music.

At Anthem, our music is eclectic. God has blessed us with talented musicians who love Jesus and serve his church through music. We don't value certain songs because they're old or choose others because they're new. Instead, we strive to keep step with the continuity of the historical church, while remaining accessible and relevant to the current culture. This means you may hear newer music or fresh takes on old hymns, either way, our goal being to worship Jesus with our all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).


 Kids, which is a teaching ministry to children on Sunday mornings, serves families with children from 6 months in age through 5th grade.

We utilize The Gospel Project as a resource to help teach the gospel to children in a way that is age appropriate.

Additionally, having the children learn in a safe environment is a high priority. Therefore all of our Kids volunteers are required to complete a background check before volunteering.